to install the Sound effects enhancement pack properly, open the pack with 7zip, open NewT1SFX.7z, extract the SFX folder. when your movies still fail to load even after a reboot, try using the static linked lgvid dll from here (mirror google drive) - drop it into your Thief folder.

if you have issues with slow walk and run speeds, try using the "classic" set of controls, load them through the options/customize controls/load menu. should you decide to try out some other combination of mods, just run the installer again and repick any desired combination. installing the game to a protected folder (windows, program files etc) may result in strange and broken behaviour (vista+). do not set any compatibility modes on the exe, this will break the game. if you have the original CD release, and the game installer is not working, you can do a manual install - just copy the THIEF folder from both CDs to your hard drive (overwrite the folder from the first cd with the one from the second, that should make sure all the resources end up in just one folder), run TFix, and follow the instructions. most pcs should have them already installed, but there is no harm in reinstalling to make sure. requires VC++2008 and the latest directx9 redistributable from june 2010. IMPORTANT NOTES (if you skip this TFix will EAT YOUR FACE): Note that TFix lite assumes you already have a valid install.cfg in your Thief folder (steam users will have to run the vanilla game at least once to generate it), and will crash if the file is missing or not proper - ask for help in this topic in that case. TFix Lite - modem connection? hard drive too small for the extra 100MB of resources? absolutely no interest in any tweaks, enhancements or mods? extracting this 6MB package into a full, working, complete oldDark install of T1 or TG will install NewDark and apply all the basic fixes that are required for it to work properly. Make sure to restart your current mission after patching (clicking the "restart" button in the save/load menu). TFix 1.27 (TFix currently uses NewDark version 1.27) it uses NewDark, the latest update of the Dark Engine - this improves compatibility with new pcs significantly, fixes graphic issues, adds support for widescreen resolutions and much more (also installs overhauled maps and resources - see the notes, including the final one).

TFix is an all-in-one fix pack for Thief and Thief Gold (apply & play, no other fixes are necessary).